What is Hernia?

Groin and abdominal hernia are very common illnesses.1 in 100 people have groin or abdominal wall hernia. However, unless the hernia grows or aches, doctors are not visited and it might even be unnoticed.

What is Hernia?

In modern dictionaries, hernia is defined as “the protrusion of an organ or tissue through an opening in its surrounding walls, especially in the abdominal region.” Hernia is very common in abdominal region, especially in groin, previous abdominal incisions and in umbilical area.

Yüz kişiden birinde kasık veya karın duvarı fıtığı vardır. Ancak fıtık büyümedikçe veya ağrı yapmadıkça doktora gidilmez ya da bazen fıtık olduğu fark edilmez. Ancak bu yaygın rahatsızlığın ciddi sorunlar yaratma olasılığı vardır.

Basic Anatomy

The abdominal wall is composed of multilayered muscle and fibrous tissue. Unlike ribcage and skull, this soft tissue is the only structure that keeps the internal organs in their places. The muscle fibers in the multilayered tissue are arranged across each other, which makes the abdomen both flexible and resilient. However, some areas may be weaker or a weakness may be created by surgical wounds due to other previous operations.

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Prof. Dr. Tarık Zafer Nursal

  Reşatbey Mahallesi, Gen iş merkezi, Reşatbey Mah. Atatürk Cad, Arıplex sineması yanı No:22/7, 01120 Seyhan/Adana

  0 (534) 892 99 59    Mon-Fri: 10:00 – 18:00 Sat: 11:00 – 16:00

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